About the monastery

The main Shrine of the Convent is the honest relics if the Blessed Matron of Moscow.


In the Pokrovsky Church of the monastery there are such shrines:

·        the fragment of the relics of St. Nil Stolbensky, in whose honour one of the throne of the Intersession Church was consecrated, in 1996 was brought from the Nile Desert from lake Seliger;


·        the icon of the Mother Of God «Recovery of the dead», written with the Matrona`s blessing


·        the icon of St. Nicholas of Myra with a fragment of the relics (located on the 2nd floor of the Intersession Church);





In the resurrection Church of the monastery there are shrines:

  • icon of the Kiev caves with fragments of relics (they were allocated to the Pokrovsky convent in 2004 with the blessing of his Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev and all Ukraine);


1. rev. Pimen, the Painful
2. rev. Alexey, the Recluse
3. rev. Onisim, the Recluse
4. rev. Alipius, the Icon-Painter
5. rev. Ioann, the Long-Suffering
6. rev. Feodor
7.rev. Abramius, the Lover-of-Labour  
8.rev. Feodosius, the Wonderworker
9. rev. Antonius, the Wonderworker
10. rev. Titus, the presbyter (hieromonk)
11. rev. Vasilius, the Hieromonk
12. rev. Mark, the Grave-Digger
13. rev. Nestor, the Chronicler
14. rev. Nestor Non-Bookish
15. rev. Luka, the Steward
16. rev Nectarius, the Obedient
17. rev. Anatolius, the Recluse
18. rev. Nichola, the Saint 
19. rev. Nikon, the Dry 
20. rev. Joshua, the Recluse 
21. rev. Merkurius, the Bishop of Smolensk, 
22. rev. Nifont, the Bishop of Novgorod
23. rev. Lavrentius, the Bishop of Turov
24. rev. Simon, the Bishop of Suzdal
25. rev. Onuphrius, the Silence
26. rev. Aphanasius, the Recluse 
27. rev. Ioann, the Recluse 
28. rev. Varlaam, the Father Superior of the Riev Caves 
29. rev. Ephraim, the Bishop of Pereyaslav


30. rev. Stephen, the Bishop of Vladimir 
31. rev. Polycarp, archimandrite of Kiev Caves 
32. rev. Pavel, the Prelate of Tobolsk 
33. rev. Spiridon, the prosphora-maker
34. rev. Feofan, the Faster 
35. rev. Nikodimus, the prosphora-maker 
36. rev. Agapitus, the Doctor-free-of-charge
37. rev. Theophilus Lacrimatory 
38. rev. Elias of Murom
39. rev. Gregory, the Icon-Painter 
40.martyr Kuksha. the Enlightener of Vyatichi

41. rev. Nikon Никон, the Father Superior of the Kiev Caves
42. rev. Feodor, the Prince of Ostrog
43. rev.Theophilius, the Recluse 
44. rev. Sisoes, the Recluse 
45. rev. Sergius, the Obedient
46. rev. Silvester, the Wonderworker
47. martyr.  Moses the Hungarian 
48. rev. Prochoros, the Wonedmaker, called Lebednik 
49. rev. Damianus, the presbyter, the healer
50. rev. Sabba, the Pious man
51.martyr. Eustratius
52. rev. Makarius, the faster 
53. martyr. Anastasius, the deacon
54. rev. Isaakius, the recluse 
55. rev. Erasmus, the monk 
56. rev. Vasilius, the hieromonk 
57. rev. Anatolius
58. rev. Benjamin, the recluse    

59. rev. Leontius, the canonarch
60. rev. Ammon, the ecluse 
61. rev. Dionisius, hieromonk, recluse 
62. rev. Sisoes, the ascetic
63. rev. Gregory, the Wonderworker 
64. rev. Pimen, the Faster 
65. rev. Silvanus, the ascetic 
66. rev. Moses, the Wonderworker 
67. rev. Laurentius, the recluse 
68. rev. Hypatius the Healer 
69. rev. Theophilus, the Archbishop of Novgorod 
70.  rev. Ignatius, the Archimandrite
71. rev. Martyrios, the deacon
72. rev. Longinus, the Gate-Keeper of the Kiev Caves 
73. martyr Lucianus
74. rev. Paul the Obedient
75. rev. Hilarion the ascetic
76. rev. Zeno the Faster 
77. rev. Euthymius the Faster
78. rev. Ioann, the Painful
79. rev. Athanasius, the recluse 
80. rev. Achilla the deacon 
81. rev. Onesiphorus, the Confessor

82. rev. Agatho, the Wonderworker 
83. rev. Arsenius, the Lover-of-Labour  
84. rev. Zakharius, the faster 
85. rev. Gerontius, the canonarch
86. rev. Paisius, the Pious man
87. rev. Gregory, the Wonderworker

·        the hand of the Blessed Empress Theothany – was delivered by the Panteleimon, the Metropolitan of Veria, Greece, in 2nd August, 2010


·        the icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov and Saints from Diveyevo with fragmets of relics (Holy wifes from Diveyevo – Alexandra, Marpha, Elena, blessed – Paraskeva, Pelagiya, Maria) – these shrines was given to the Convent by the blessing of Georgy, the Archbishop of Nizhniy Novgorod and Arzamas in May 2010;


·        the icon of the St. Innokentius, metropolitan of Moscow with his relics, which was presented by the Convent by His Holiness Patriarch Alexius II in 1997;


·        the icon of St. Jonh of Shanghai with a fragment of his relics was presented by Theodosius, Archbishop of Seattle;


·     The icon of Holy glorious and all-praised of the apostles Peter And Paul


·       the icon of St. apostles Iakov anf Simon with a fragments of relics


• the icon of St. apostles Bartholomew and Thomas with a fragments of relics


·       The icon of the great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon


Icon of St. George


  • Crucifix with the stone of Mount Calvary (with a particle of the Savior's Blood);

·        Cancer with shrines from the Holy Land and various saints of GodMIS_3493.JPG

1. Custody of the Holy Sepulchre
2. Stone Bethlehem star from the birthplace of the Savior
3. Stone from the tomb of the Mother of God
4. Jordanian stone
5. Particle of the belt of the Mother of God
6. Particle of the Life-creating Cross of the Lord and blood
7. Particle of the Savior's Crown of Thorns
8. Particle of the Protection of the Mother of God

Ark with particles of the relics of the saints of God:


1. Supreme Apostle Peter
2. Apostle Simon the Zealot
3. Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker
4. Saint Innocent of Penza
5. Saint Ignatius of Mariupol
6. Saint Metropolitan Macarius
7. Saint John Chrysostom
8. Saint Spyridon of Trimythous
9. Saint Ignatius Brianchaninov
10. Saint Filaret of Moscow
11. Saint Dimitry of Rostov
12. Saint Luke Voino-Yasenetsky Confessor Crimean
13. Particle of the mantle of St. Tikhon Patriarch of Moscow
14. Saint Prokhor Lobodnik (Cave of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra)
15. Saint Sergius the Obedient (Cave of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra)
16. Saint Alipius Icon Painter (Cave of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra)
17. Particle coffin Reverend Matthew Paisija, Theophylact, Ambrose Simbirskikh Wonderworkers
18. Reverend Leonty
19.Reverend Theodore of Sanaxar
20. Saint Gerasim of Jordan 
21. St. Sergius the Wonderworker
22. Saint Aristocles of Mount Athos
23. Saint Sergius of Radonezh
24. Saint Alexis
25. Saint Romanos the Melodist
26. Saint Kuksha of Odessa
27. Saint Xenia
28. Saint John Suskovsky the Wonderworker
29. Stone from the crypt of St. Helena
30.Holy Martyr Grand Princess Elizabeth and the Nun Barbara
31.The Great Martyr Saint George the Victorious
32. Saint Panteleimon the Great Martyr
33. Holy Prince Konstantin Yaroslavsky
34. Polycarp the Holy Martyr of Smyrna
35. The relics of the Holy martyrs of Cyprus
36. Martyr Alexander of Rome (284-305)
37. The relics of murdered babies of Bethlehem
38. The Holy Great Martyr Natalia 
39. The relics of the palestinian martyr name unknown tortured by the saracens during the capture of jerusalem
40. Part of the brick from the crypt of Blessed Pelagia


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